190 square meters
windows facing southwest with black out curtains
cyclorama (10m wide x 6m deep)
380 volt / 32 amp power supply
kitchen facilities, espresso machine, soft drinks
make-up and styling station
sound system and wifi
9000,- nok / day excl. mva
7000,- nok / half day
6500,- nok / rigday 

Studio measurements: Length: 16 m / Width: 12 m / Height: 4,2 m / Cove width: 10 m

Overtime: 1000,- pr hour from 17:00-20:00 / 1500,- pr hour from 20:00-07:00

Disclaimer: The studios are not soundproof.
If you are planning audio recordings, please get in touch.

See price list for specifications

Avbestilling må skje 72 timer før opptaksdag, gjelder arbeidsdager

48 timer før, blir en fakturert 50% av leien, gjelder arbeidsdager

Hvis vi har fått en annen forespørsel og dere da booker, gjelder ikke avbestilling. Da blir en fakturert for studioleien 100%

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